Before the rain start or it come the wheather becomes pleasant, moisty and beautiful.
Once the rainy season is at to come the whole sky is dominated with the dark cloud. The rays of sun light literally disappear in the sky. Rainy season is seen in almost in every country but the way Indian reacts to it or they celebrate it, is amazing and worth seening it. Rainy season in India is consider as one of the most pleasent whether as compared to other.
Following story accured also in the rainy season and as the tittle says ''THE GIRL WHO DIDN'T LIKE THE RAIN'' as some connection with it. As the topic suggest this is an story of a girl who dislike the rain. To uderstand clearly what exactly happen read this out.
This story took place in the city called ''MUMBAI''. There lived a girl called Anna with her parents. Her mothers name was Amy and her farthers name was Sam. Anna was in her village with her parents as the school vaccation on. Anna just completed her IX class and passed it out with good marks. Now she was to go in class X meet new friends new studies and format. Pressure was hard on her. But no matter how much pressure was it, she also faced it with smile. Now as the vaccation was to end her parents decided to leave for Mumbai, so her education didn't get disturbed. As she was on her way back to Mumbai she saw some black dark cloud moving in the sky, looking this she was amazed as she loved rainy season very much. As soon she reached home she couldn't stop going to his building terrace to look right toward the sky. As it was the time of june to arrive rainy clouds had just started to give a look. Looking that she felt very comfortable. Anna's vision toward rainy season was completed different as compared to other, as some might didn't like that it or may be the other reason. Even people who dodn't like it are not yet wrong, it may cause a problem to them .e.g. many a time rainy season dodn't allow people to step out of the home due to which there jobs or any important works are stopped. A lot of rain can lead sometime toward damage of life as well as property. But all of this didn't change the Anna's love or we can say a kind of affection toward rain. She loved it a lot more than anything and for him the season of rain where the most enjoyable ones.
She also always not only self enjoyed but even with his friends near him. When someone used to ask him ''why did you like the rain so much''?. She always replied,''it makes me happy''. People sometime used to laugh on his answer but they never showed her. It is also a common nature, grown up people always reacted to this type of action only. But however Anna kept loving with rain instead of hating it by hearing it with someone. As the day passed, her vaccation ended and just before her school started the rain started due to which see was very happy and at was in a good mood. Anna never hated or disliked going to school as it gave her pleasure. Anna was a topper not only in her class but also in her school. Anna parents where proud of her and thet always provided her whatever he wanted. Anna also loved there parents as they loved him. She used t consider him one of the luckiest girl, as she got whatever she wanted. It was the first day of her school and she went to school very exitingly, she meet with her friends and made some new friends. It was the class goining on and suddenly the rain started falliing at great pace, this distrubed the Anna's attention and she seeked out of the window. Noticing that her teacher shouted at her in front of the whole class and all started laughing at her. This is the general thing about the student that when someone get shouted at him all enjoys it with great attention but school is only the place where each student cared of. There is brotherhooh feeling and so on. As the first day of the school ended and as soon as Anna reached home her mother Amy asked him about the first day of school. Instead of answering to the question her mother asked her she replied a tottally different answer in which see mentioned only the scene of rain and due to which sehe was schoulded in the class. The shape of happiness was seen in her mothers face after hearing this. As the conversation was continued it was followed by the rain and looking to that rain she was stimulated and she went outside to get wet in the rainy, looking at her the children of her society accomplished her. Looking at there mothers of the children started showting at them and they called there child home but Anna kept enjoying as her mother was not that king of rude. Anna's parents also enjoyed rai but where not able to show the way Anna showed, reason behind this was simple Anna's mother was an manager in the MNC companies and her father was an reputed lawyer and was aslo know for his great work. One of the reason why Anna's mother allowed Anna to do was she the child attitude toward soething. As the rain was on its peak various places such as watefall where flourished with nature beauty. Anna always in rainy season visited there and aslo this time. She asked her father and father due to some work posponded to another week but she was fine with that. As the next week arrived they were all set to live but unfortunetly Anna got severe fever due to whic doctor consulted her not to go out. As Anna thought it was her bad but her father gave him a promise they'll go by coming week. And again the next week arrived they were all ready and this time Anna's health was also very much better and she was very comfortable. They headed toward there there destination enjoying in the car singing,chatting,etc. As soon as they reached to there destination Anna was stunned by the beatifull natural rainfall and waterfall. Looking this her parents were aslo very happy. Anna was in a state of shock;but this shock was a pleasurable one. They changed there dress as per there need and started there activity. They went toward waterfall and various other spots, the main attraction there was the lake which used to get filled by the rain water itself ever year, also this type of places are given a good kind of attention in order to atract people. That day for Anna was well spent with lot of activity and she was very happy. This is what usually happens when child get to know a special different experience of the place he knows. Next day she went to her school and started sharing his yesterday expirence with other, orther student also loved to hear about it as they aslo liked to do so activity.
To her surprise not only a week was passed her school organized a 7 days picnic for the school children at a nearest hill station. Hill station's beauty are known only at such time. Hill station are like to be heaven in the days of rain. People from different palce,cities visit such places to enjoy the pleasant nature's beauty. Anna loved the news about his school picnic and was very eager to ask to her parent about the picnic. Anna knew that her parent won't stop her from going to picnic. At night Anna's family was having there dinner and at such time she told his parents about the trip. Anna parent thinked a lot but finally they gave him the permisson to go , as soon as she heard that she can't waited to enrol her name in picnic list. Next day as soon as she came school she first enetred her name in the list and after that she can't waited for the trip to get start. Two days before the trip she started planning about the trip and a kind of happiness was able to be seen in her face.
Although there parents were little concerned about the trip,as they were going to leave there daughter for almost one week, but they anyone how becamed strong to say good bye to Anna. A nght before she got so exited that she doesn't slept properly. And finally the time came when the Anna had to say a googbye to there parents. Anna's parent were emotional at that time as they were not goining to see there daughter for 1 week. This brought them a tears in there eyes. But the Anna's emotion was totally different. Anna was filled with joy whreas there parents were in a sad mood.
As the Anna reached the destination she was suprised to see the natural things , its beauty and etc. Anna contacted her parents as soon as she reached at hill station. Then the school staff showed them there rooms and provided them breakfast. After that there came a time when all were taken out for a tour of that hill station, all enjoyed the tour very much as same the Anna did. She was very happy there and was almost got mixed into the surrounding. As the day passed all other student got boared but not was Anna. She alone countinued with many excersice and took part in various challenges also. Not only she took part she also won many prices and by seeing this price that Anna won, other to got also inspired. However, the hill station was very well and all the student also liked it very much but Anna loved it so much that she didn't want to go back.
As the Anna was in her way back toward Mumbai, her parents where planning Anna a supprise birthday party to him. As Anna's birthday was just after a day she returns. Anna parents went to pick up Anna at her school, were all other parents were also presents to pick up there childs. As soon as the bus reached the school and Anna got out the bus, he gave a huge hug to her parents and all other parents were in love with thier child. There was a scene of togetherness and affectionate toward there child.
As soon she reached home she was tired and went to the sleep. And at sharp 12 AM, Anna's parent suprised him with a cake at midnight and she was suprised with it. This was not only it, they had a whole plan comming out. And the day had came when was Anna's birthday. At the morning they first went to pray to the god and then there after the whole schedule was fixed by her father. This shows how much Sam loved to her daughter. After the prayer they wented for whole day long trip, had launch and so on. And at night when they reched home Anna was suprised to see that her whole house was decorated and all his friends and neighbours were invited with a huge cake on the table, carring Anna's photo on it. The whole birthday party went well and Anna loved it a lot. She opened the gift given to him by other and she loved it. Later on she thanked to her parents for such a wounderfull suprise.
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